Sopa Ajo Blanco
Traditional Andalusian almond garlic soup (8 people)

600 ml water
100 g white bread (preferrably one day old)
180 g white almonds
1 ½ clove garlic, crushed
2 spoons good quality sherry vinagre
1 ts salt and white pepper
Water melon (1/2), in rounds or cubes
30 white and dark grapes, seadless, cut in half
50 ml olive oil (the best you can get)
Chives to garnish
1) Soak bread with almonds and garlic in water untill the bread softens. Add sherry vinagre and salt and pepper. Use a 'bowl spoon' to cut the water melon en cut grapes in half. Blend the bread mix with half of the water. You can always add the remaining liquid to make the sopa less thick. The Sopa AJo Blanco should have the consistency of liquid cream.
2) Taste, taste, taste. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cool at least 2 hours before serving.
3) Serve with melon, grapes and posible with edible flower and chives (see picture)
Wine: a good Spanish Verdejo!